Our Progress, Achievements and Milestones

Two New Online Courses Available!

QMed has added two new Online Courses – Mastering PubMed: Advanced and Reference Management with Mendeley. To register, visit https://qmed.mediknit.org When you register you get access to all three available courses. Our first course – Mastering PubMed: Basics is mandatory before you do either of the new courses.

To know more about getting support from QMed, do visit www.qmed.ngo/friends


Manipal Academy of Higher Education to make QMed’s Online Courses available to their students & faculty

We are delighted to announce that the Manipal Academy of Higher Education has signed up with us to make our Online Courses available to their faculty and students in three of their institutions – Kasturba Medical College Manipal, Kasturba Medical College Mangalore and Sikkim Manipal University, Gangtok. One thousand faculty plus students across these campuses will be able to enrol for our courses. MAHE is the first group of Academic Institutions to subscribe to our courses. Our courses are hosted with Mediknit, a Bangalore based entity that has helped several medical associations to create ELearning courses.
We trust that this will encourage many more institutions to follow suit, to help their health professionals and students learn literature searching and reference management skills.


In July we were invited to conduct a special two day workshop at the ICMR RMRC, Bhubaneswar. The workshop was held on July 27 and 28. We had twenty five participants – a mix of Students of a Masters Degree in Public Health, PhD scholars, medical doctors and other research personnel.  
At the end some senior scientists declared that this workshop should be conducted in all the ICMR centres

Global Giving Badges

In 2017, QMed was awarded three badges from GlobalGiving. This year – we got a fourth badge – for Effectiveness.


We welcome three new Trustees to QMed – Ms Anujaa Navaratnaa and Ms Usha Sunil – both librarians who have worked in the health sector in addition to other sectors, and Dr Sandeep Bavdekar, a Pediatrician and former editor of two journals. We look forward to strengthening QMed with the additional strength of these Trustees.
We did one workshop this month at the Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai


QMed does its first two workshops in AIIMS Bhubaneswar on April 26 and 27

AIIMS Bhubaneswar is the second AIIMS to have our workshops; the first being AIIMS Jodhpur. We have done workshops at the RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences and Institute Rotary Cancer Hospita, AIIMS Delhi; a few years ago

We have also delivered lectures at AIIMS Raipur, Delhi and Bhubaneswar.

March 2019

We recorded two more ELearning courses this month – “Mastering PubMed: Advanced” and “Reference Management with Mendeley”. We hope to add these to the ELearning site very soon!
Vasumathi delivered three lectures and conducted two workshops this month. Our honorary team member Ms Parvati Iyer retired at the end of March 2019. We wish her the very best

February 2019

We delivered our 410th lecture, at Seth GS Medical College & KEM Hospital


Vasumathi Sriganesh mentors around 25 participants of MECOR

MECOR is an annual event conducted by a section of the American Thoracic Society, to strengthen research skills in India. Vasumathi Sriganesh has participated in this for years; this was the seventh year. This year, participants were made to view her recorded lectures before the event, work on search strategies for their topics and get mentored to improve them. The experiment was pretty successful! Her contributions to this program are well appreciated by the faculty from the American Thoracic Society

January 2019

With deep regret, we share that we lost our Trustee – Dr Anand Shandilya. He succumbed to a heart attack on the 1st of January 2019, leaving a void at QMed.

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