Friends of QMed

Who is a Friend of QMed?

One who wishes to learn what we teach and support our initiatives to spread our knowledge

How do you become a Friend of QMed?

For those enrolled in our Online Courses:

  • If you have enrolled (as an individual) for our “Online courses”, you are automatically a Friend of QMed, and you get our assistance till the online courses access is valid
  • If your institution / association has paid Mediknit for your accessing our courses, then you are requested to give us a donation of Rs 2500 (Rs. 1500/- for students) to become a Friend.  You get assistance from us for one year. To give a donation – click here  Look for “General Fund” and in the box below “Amount”, please enter 2500 (1500) if you are a student). Scroll down, click Donate now and follow instructions

For those not enrolled in our Online Courses:

  • Give us a donation of Rs 2500 (Rs. 1500/- for students) to become a Friend. You get assistance from us for one year. To give a donation – click here  Look for “General Fund” and in the box below “Amount”, please enter 2500 (1500) if you are a student). Scroll down, click Donate now and follow instructions
Why is it a good idea to become a Friend of QMed?
We know that learning through courses is the first step towards getting good at literature searching / referencing. But when you try various topics or when you actually cite and reference, you may encounter difficulties. QMed wishes to help you navigate through these. As a Friend of QMed – ask us for help for any topic or ask us for any help for referencing and we will do our best to support you. We will also guide you in getting full text articles, and help you get them in case you cannot. For some kinds of help, we ask for additional donations. Do check the table below for details
Some of you may need a one off help (if you do not enroll for our courses or become a Friend). We offer help for such needs too. Do check the table below for details of donations we ask for

How can Friends get more help from QMed?

Type of assistance Additional donation required
Mentoring and assistance with Literature searching Nil
Guidance / assistance to procure full text articles Nil
Guidance in literature search and referencing for authoring systematic reviews Rs. 500 per hour
Assistance to procure articles, if available through a library network on charges Rs 100/- per article
Articles from the National Library of Medicine, USA* Rs. 650/- per article

*We procure articles from the NLM at a higher cost, so we ask for a partial donation to cover this

Need only occasional / one time help?

Do not want to go through the Online course/s and also do not want to become a Friend? You can avail of the following from us, on giving specified donations

Type of assistance Donation required
Assistance with Literature searching on any health sciences topic Rs. 1000 per topic
Full text articles Rs 300/- per article
Full text articles from the National Library of Medicine, USA* Rs. 1000/- per article

We offer assistance for literature search for Systematic Reviews for those who are enrolled as a Friend, because this activity requires a good understanding of search processes and will require going through the Online modules. However if you have attended QMed’s workshop (not just a short lecture) – you can enrol for our Online courses for a 25% discount and can then get this assistance. Do write to us at and tell us when and where you attended our workshop. We will help you enrol.


Note: QMed does not offer assistance / training in the following areas

  • Statistics
  • Writing articles
  • Research methodologies
  • Selection of research topics

Our offerings at a glance

Donation required (in Indian Rupees)
Enrolled for Online courses as an individual Enrolled for Online courses through institutions OR Enrolled only for Friends of QMed One time / occasional help
Friends of QMed (annual – recurring) Nil 2500

1500 for students

Literature searches (general) Nil Nil 1000 per topic
Assistance and mentoring for Searches for systematic reviews 500 per hour 500 per hour Not applicable
Guidance / assistance for full text articles Nil Nil 300 per article
Full text articles, if available through a library network on charges 100 100 300 per article
Full text articles available from the NLM (USA) 650 650 1000 per article
Page last checked / updated on 13-May-2020