Paperity- A multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers.

Paperity- A multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers.

Paperity is an aggregator of journals and papers from different disciplines.


It includes subjects like Sciences, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.

All articles indexed here are Open Access.  Paperity makes sure to index only genuine scholarly literature. It does not include student assignments, business presentations or cooking recipes classified as scholarly papers.

The plus point of Paperity is, it assigns permanent URLs to article pages which never changes so that everyone can safely link to them without the risk of it becoming invalid.

How to use:

The search is user friendly and easy to use. You can simply search by Journal name, year of publication, country, language or publisher.

The Advanced Search supports many types of constraints: search by keyword, article title, abstract, ISSN, DOI, author affiliations, authors count or a combination of all.

It also has a mobile app for readers to read papers on the go

Check the website:


  • S. Yoosuf

    Thanks for the sharing this Deepti, concise yet comprehensive! Quick question though- how much does it add outside of pubmed indexed literature?

    • Dipti Suvarna

      All articles indexed in Paperity are Open Access. It is multi-disciplinary and covers all fields of research. You can check out their About page: to know more. You can see they have partners like EBSCO etc which have so many non PubMed journals.

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