Find out in which PMC articles you have been cited or acknowledged.

Find out in which PMC articles you have been cited or acknowledged.

PMC or PubMed Central has around 5.4 Million full text articles. Want to find out in how many you have been cited or acknowledged? Here are the steps:

Go to the PMC website
In the search box type your name followed by [Reference author] (See image below)

In the results click any title. You have access to the full article. Scroll down to the references section to check for the the presence of your article

Next type your name followed by [Acknowledgements] You need to search first name AND last name – See figure below

Do note that we cannot search by full author name (eg Vasumathi Sriganesh) or by adding initials (eg Vasumathi S). So we need to combine the first name and last name with AND. Each name has to be followed by [acknowledgements]

In this case, I identified four articles where I have been acknowledged. I could do a search by just putting in the PMCIDs of all four in the search box, get all the relevant ones and create a search strategy for the same as a hyperlink. See below:

We can embed the URL to put it up on a web page, or in our email signature files

PMC articles acknowledging Vasumathi Sriganesh

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