“Long back I read in the TOI (Times of India) – that the finesse of a great teacher lies in breaking down the most intricate theorems to lucid nursery axioms. For example, Heisenberg, the father of particle physics said that a great teacher is one who can make E=mc2 sound as simple as 2+2=4. All I can say is that the workshop on PubMed by Vasumathi Sriganesh embodies this trait. After attending her workshop I can share some learning benefits: I’ve worked extensively on Cerebral Malaria in tribal Assam, an area devoid of any guidelines or even significant literature. MeSH helped me enormously in retrieving papers on ‘Falciparum Malaria in Asia’ and also ‘Tribal Research’. While working on other papers in Neurology I benefitted largely from filters and simple searches to weed out redundant and irrelevant papers. Saved searches and collections: I always tend to clutter even the good papers that I find online. These two feature helped me sort, index and also share the work I did on PubMed, which was a huge time saver for em. I was also introduced to The Cochrane Library- especially CDSR-which makes me very eager to participate in meta-analysis studies.