Choosing a journal to publish your paper? Try “Think Check Submit”

Choosing a journal to publish your paper? Try “Think Check Submit”

Which journal should I submit my paper to? That is a question that very often appears in the minds of those who attempt writing. First time writers often know very little about choosing a journal. It is not easy either. Some points to ponder are: - Who is your article really useful for? Research on a tropical disease is less likely to be useful for an American audience. A journal that has a larger circulation in tropical countries makes more sense as a choice. Is the journal open access or free? If yes that is a great choice - as…
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Research Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Countries

Research Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Countries

Biomedical research in developing countries: Opportunities, methods, and challenges Masudur Rahman, Uday C. Ghoshal, Krish Ragunath, Gareth Jenkins, Mesbahur Rahman, Cathryn Edwards, Mahmud Hasan, and Simon D Taylor-Robinson Indian J Gastroenterol. 2020 Jun 30 : 1–11.Link: This time, we chose to highlight this article as it is written by authors from various countries both developing and developed. The authors have covered several aspects of the importance of research starting. Importantly they have covered the relationship between research and clinical practice, - very often brushed away. They have not only mentioned the challenges, but have shared opportunities too. The article covers…
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How do we know what journals want? Learn about “Instructions to Authors”

How do we know what journals want? Learn about “Instructions to Authors”

So you have done research on a topic and want to publish it. One has ever so many questions about the entire process. Which journal should I choose? What referencing style do I need to use? What is the editorial process followed? How long should my article be? One great resource for learning more is the "Instructions to Authors page" of any journal. Try out the "Indian Journal of Cancer's Instructions to Authors page" Got it? There are so many details here. Now here is a "super link" - for the instructions to authors of a huge number of journals.…
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