LILACS is a comprehensive index of scientific and technical literature of Latin America and the Caribbean. For 32 years the index has worked to increase visibility, access and quality of health information in the Region.  
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Getting Full-text Journal Articles

While doing Literature searching the most common frustration is we get reference and abstract of articles but getting the full-text is a problem. There are several ways of getting full text articles without paying hefty prices, QMed will show us how. This includes how to use other internet sources, networking tools and not to forget your own library.
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COPE: Committe on Publication Ethics

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) provides advice to editors and publishers on all aspects of publication ethics. Authors and publishers. Membership is open to editors of academic journals and others interested in publication ethics. Editors and publishers can seek advice on how to handle cases of misconduct,  from COPE. While COPE will not directly investigate such cases, it provides advice and encourages editors to request the appropriate institution to investigate the case. The website also has a good number of flowcharts, guidelines and more, on publication ethics. For members there is a full fledged E-Learning tutorial. And there is more -…
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