QMed has been hosting webinars for our institutional participants and individuals. We now plan to host regular webinars for participants registered for the entire QMedCourses site:

  • Those who have access through their institutions
  • Individuals who have donated and been given access

Briefly, our webinars will cover the basics of what we teach in our courses – so that you get an idea of what to expect, and how to get started. If we happened to have learnt something new, we will share it in our webinars. Of course, if you need us to pause and clarify something, our webinars make this possible too!  

  • If you have not yet started our courses, our webinars will help you with some basics, help you understand what you will be doing and will definitely motivate you to do them all quickly
  • If you have started/finished our courses, our webinars will be a good way to brush-up on everything you have learned in the courses, ask doubts and learn how you can learn still more
  • Overall you could learn something, get motivated, discuss with us or offer constructive feedback

Below is the schedule for upcoming webinars. We will update these regularly

Searching: Basic 23-Oct-2021 40 mins
Referencing 20-Nov-2021 40 mins
Searching: Advanced 18-Dec-2021 40 mins
Register here for the webinar on 23-Oct-2021


  • As we start, since we are unsure of numbers, we are using the free zoom version. This comes with a time stipulation of 40 minutes, so if the webinar ends before we finish our discussion, please join back with the same link that we will provide you with
  • PLEASE make it a point to be on time. We would not like to waste a single minute. If you join late, you may lose out on something important
  • Date and time of webinars can change depending on majority requests (eg. For a webinar where 40 have registered, if 21 of you want a different date, we will accommodate the change)  
  • It would be useful if you go through the following pages and sections on our websites:  

You may find many answers in these pages and you could plan more specific questions for the session.

Page last checked / updated: 6-Oct-2021