KRM 2016: Digital Contents, Copyrights and Libraries

KRM 2016: Digital Contents, Copyrights and Libraries

In Jan 2016, I attended the event – KRM (Knowledge Resources Management) – organized by the Tata Memorial Centre’s Digital Library, with the Health Science Library Association of India.  There were interesting talks on these issues by librarians, users and lawyers. I shared my experiences with the participating librarians, telling them what they could apply in their libraries (apart from the declarations that they take while providing copies):Providing copies to users for academic / research purposes:Explain to users why you ask them to sign a declaration when they ask for copies. Tell them that once they have signed, they cannot make…
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MECOR 2016 – A Research Methodology Workshop with a difference!

MECOR 2016 – A Research Methodology Workshop with a difference!

WHAT:  MECOR 2016- Methods in Epidemiology, Clinical & Operational Research - an event that takes place in India (MECOR India) every alternate year. The workshop is organized by a group of Physicians from the American Thoracic Society, USA, in collaboration with the Public Health Institute (USA), and in India, with the Indian Chest Society and the National Center for Disease Control. MECOR offers the program at three levels. Participants have to qualify for each level before going to the next one. The faculty includes three Indians - who have been participants in earlier MECOR programs. I have been a special lecturer in four out of…
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You are a Not for Profit Organization. Why do you need to charge so much for your workshops?

You are a Not for Profit Organization. Why do you need to charge so much for your workshops?

You are a Not for Profit Organization. Why do you need to charge so much for your workshops? This was a question that I got from a faculty member when I delivered my lecture at the TNMC (Nair Hospital), Mumbai on the 14th of August (This question came, when I gave details of our forthcoming workshop on Aug 24) It is reasonably often that I get asked this question. We also get related questions like "What do you do on a regular basis in the office?", "What do you do with the money you raise?" and more... A simple answer…
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