What are your problems?

What are your problems?

I recently attended a webinar titled "Sales Excellence for B2B Selling in Emerging Markets". The topic obviously sounds "Oh so commercial", but guess what? The audience were all from the social sector. Now why did we need such a webinar? It turns out that all of us are either creating products or offering services (or both). Only, what we do is for a social objective. The presenter of the webinar was Scott Roy from "Whitten & Roy Parthership" (USA) and he did a great job of tailoring his talk with the social sector in mind! The main message that he…
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Compliance. Ethics. Integrity…

Compliance. Ethics. Integrity…

Compliance - makes us follow the law. We could be punished or fined if we are not compliant. Ethics - something we most often grow up with. Taught directly or indirectly by parents, other family members and teachers. Integrity - results when we have compliance and ethics deep rooted inside us. The absence of integrity leads to the breakdown of trust. And this erosion of trust is very expensive! Stephen MR Covey explains this in his book - The Speed of Trust. He quotes the example of the cost of airport security forces, soaring after the 9/11 tragedy! I would…
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Inviting your inputs: for a more holistic approach to expand QMed’s work

Inviting your inputs: for a more holistic approach to expand QMed’s work

Holistic approach to education I recently happened to attend a “peer learning network session” where the participants were people from not-for-profit organizations worldwide. I attended this virtual session, not expecting much because I knew that the context of discussion would mainly be based on primary education. But to my surprise, the points discussed turned out to be very relevant in QMed's niche area too. How could QMed get more holistic in its approach?I started to think on how we could use all the learning, for our specialized area - teaching literature searching and reference management in health sciences institutions. I…
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