A New PubMed calls for New Online Courses

A New PubMed calls for New Online Courses

We once again needed a break - as we finalized our new online courses. But YES - here they are! Our brand new site for our courses - www.qmedcourses.in has been up for about three weeks. We have three courses: Introduction to Resources and Literature Searching:This one is targetted at students and new residents, but it is turning out to be useful to many more!. It helps one understand different types of information resources and the very basics of literature searching Mastering PubMedMost importantly - this one is based on the New PubMed - which has replaced the old as…
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After a break and more – Duplicates in Reference Managers

After a break and more – Duplicates in Reference Managers

Sorry folks! Our blogging activity was down for most of March and April 2020. We had to do a lot of planning for the lockdown and once we started working from home, there was a lot of adaptation to do as well. I hope everyone reading this is keeping well and safe. We have all the time been sending up prayers for all health professionals to be safe and strong. We are aware that burn out could be an issue, and we just hope that everyone emerges stronger. We have been working at completely revamping our online courses - do…
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Minimalism and the Corona Virus

Minimalism and the Corona Virus

In the recent months, I happened to come across a lot on "Minimalism". A friend had written about how she gave away a lot of clothes and how she and her family live without a TV and a refrigerator. This means they also store very little at home and buy things as they need them. She emphasized how they are working towards a strong value system of being happy with minimal possessions. More interestingly, the Nehru Centre Library in Mumbai planned to hold an event - a book reading and discussion. The book is Cal Newport's "Digital Minimalism: On Living…
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