About “Medline” and getting a journal selected for Medline indexing

About “Medline” and getting a journal selected for Medline indexing

Medline. PubMed. Two words used often without a person being sure if they are the same, if they are different and if yes, what is the difference. The other confusion being about getting a journal included for selection -  again in PubMed / in Medline... In February 2021, the National Library of Medicine created the Medline website - https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medline/index.html - to make information about Medline and PubMed, easy to find. The home page tells us clearly that Medline is a premier bibliographic database of the NLM (National Library of Medicine)  and Medline is the main part of PubMed - which is…
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Sci-hub and ethics

Sci-hub and ethics

Ethics can be ever so confusing! The black and white areas are in writing, or taught to us as we grow, but it is the grey areas that cause an issue. Your child is hungry. You have no money to feed her. You steal food for her. Is that a correct act? Legally, stealing is stealing and is wrong. Ethically we could argue that the intention was to appease a child’s hunger, and the stealing is understandable. You are taking an examination for an important degree after having studied hard. A classmate sitting behind you manages to copy all your…
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Do not wait any longer!

Do not wait any longer!

Everything is at one's finger tips today. Getting literature is easy, appraisal is the tough task. Search PubMed - you get all medical literature These are perceptions of a large number of health professionals - and these are "facts" they tell students. At the receiving end, students who (obviously) accept everything that a senior says, believe these statements. And many often wonder if they are "unique" - in their inability to search and find results easily. Worse still - are the statements - There are several tutorials on the net - on searching PubMed. In fact, the PubMed site itself…
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