NCBI – Image Finder

NCBI – Image Finder

NCBI has a new "Image Finder". This database has around 3 million images from free resources deposited in the NCBI (eg - PubMed Central journals). All images are subject to the general copyright restrictions. The url is (You can also reach this from PubMed). From the Dropdown option above the PubMed search box, choose "Images". Try out the following in the site - prediction AND type 2 diabetes For a Quick Start Guide, on using the Images database, click here Appeared in Volume 3 Issue 10 of QMedConnect
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PubMed – Journal Database

PubMed – Journal Database

PubMed has a "Journal Database" (you will find the link on the lower half of the PubMed homepage) that helps you find information about Journals. You can find out about journals in a specialty or about one specific journal. To find out information about journals, enter your specialty (eg - Pediatrics) in the Journals Database search box and search. You can limit your search by clicking Limits and selecting "English language" and "Currently indexed in Medline" to restrict your search. To find information about a specific title, enter the title in quotes. You will get details about the journal's ISSN…
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SlideWorld is a Powerful resource for Powerpoint Slide Presentations. It is a web resource designed to facilitate educational process of medical professionals. The goal of SlideWorld is to facilitate a "presentation sharing community" for medical practitioners and health enthusiasts. Have a quick look!  Appeared in Volume 3 Issue 06 of QMedConnect
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