Academic Publications

Online Search Techniques – Transitioning from “Help from Librarians” to Online Courses
Ms. Vasumathi Sriganesh
Journal of Management Development & Research "Library Connect" . August 2020; Volume No 2:, Pages: 10-13
URL: Article / Abstract

Parenteral versus oral iron for treatment of iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy and post-partum: a systematic review
Radhika AG , Sharma AK , Perumal V , Sinha A , Sriganesh V , Kulshreshtha V , Kriplani A
J Obstet Gynecol India (2019).
URL: Article / Abstract

Gene therapy for haemophilia
Sharma A , Easow MM , Sriganesh V , Neely JA , Kalipatnapu S
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD010822
URL: Article / Abstract

Health Information for Consumers in Developing Nations: A Medical Librarian’s Perspective
Sriganesh V
International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare (IJUDH). 2013 January; 3(1):22-32
URL: Article / Abstract

Healthcare information and the rural primary care doctor.
Chatterjee P , Biswas T , Datta A , Sriganesh V. :
South African Medical Journal. 2012; 102:138-93.
URL: Article / Abstract

Accuracy in the technical aspects of an article contributes to improving retrieval
Sriganesh V
International Journal of Students' Research 2012; 2: 3-5
URL: Article / Abstract

The Cochrane Students Journal Club and Creating a Secondary Learning Resource for Gathering and Appraising Evidence: An Example of Rational Use of Medicines to Prevent Malaria Relapse
Chandra S, , Shah NK, , Sriganesh V.
International Journal of User-Driven Healthcare (IJUDH) 2011: 1:31-41.
URL: Article / Abstract

Using PubMed in radiology: Ten useful tips for radiologists.
Sriganesh V.
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging 2011;21:162-9
URL: Article / Abstract

My dream for medical students
Sriganesh V.
International Journal of Students Research. 2011;1:12
URL: Article / Abstract

PubMed -a beginner’s guide to searching biomedical literature effectively
Sriganesh V.
Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research 2008; 3:9-13
URL: Article / Abstract

Plagiarism and medical writing
Sriganesh V, , Iyer, PV
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging. 2007; 17:146-147
URL: Article / Abstract

Searching PubMed and other databases
Sriganesh V.
Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, 2005;71: 139-42
URL: Article / Abstract

Information retrieval for dermatologists – An Introduction
Sriganesh V.
Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, 2004; 70:194-6
URL: Article / Abstract

Guiding Residents for Literature Searches and Reference Management for their Theses: Showcasing the Urgent Need for Training, in a Developing Country
Sriganesh V
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association, USA, 2017
URL: Link

Systematic reviews in Indian publications. How many are really systematic reviews?
Vasumathi Sriganesh , Parvati Iyer , Lakshmi Padmanabhan , Fatima Shaikh , Puneet Gupta
Poster presented at the WAME International Conference for Medical Journal Editors, Delhi during 1-4th October 2015
URL: Link

Sowing the Seeds for Informationists to Help Tackle the Doctor Patient Ratio In India
Sriganesh V
Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association, USA, May 2013
URL: Link

From lectures and workshops to E-learning initiatives, to teach literature searching and referencing to health sciences students and teachers in India
Sriganesh V , Iyer PV , Suvarna D
Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association, USA, May 2013
URL: Link

An initiative to include literature searching skills in the curriculum in a developing country, with an across the country training initiative.
Sriganesh V , Iyer PV , Suvarna D
Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association, USA, May 2012
URL: Link

Access alone does not guarantee use. The need for training to use evidence based resources.
Sriganesh V
Poster presented at the 19th Cochrane Colloquium, Madrid, Spain during the dates 19th - 22nd October, 2011
URL: Link

QMed Knowledge Foundation – empowering the medical information user
Sriganesh V , Iyer PV , Kunkur GM
Paper presented at : Positioning the Profession: the Tenth International Congress on Medical Librarianship, Brisbane, Australia. Aug 31-Sept 4, 2009.
URL: Link

Laying a Foundation for Clinical Librarianship in India
Sriganesh V
Paper presented at: Medical Library Association of India held its Annual conference at NIMHANS, Bangalore in November 2005.
URL: Link

Information Resources and Systems for Disaster Management
Iyer PV , Sriganesh V
Paper presented at: The 4th Biennial Conference of the Indian Association of Medical Informatics in October 2005
URL: Link

Challenges of Bridging the Information Literacy Gap for the Practice of Evidence Based Healthcare in India
Sriganesh V
Paper presented at: The 9th International Conference on Medical Librarianship, Salvadore Brazil in September 2005
URL: Link

“Sources of evidence and how to use them”
Sriganesh V
In: Babu Ajit N. Clinical Research Methodology and Evidence-based Medicine. 2nd ed. Gurgaon: Walters Kluwer Health (India) 2015

“Sources of evidence and how to use them”.
Sriganesh V
In: Babu Ajit N. Clinical Research Methodology and Evidence-based Medicine:The Basics. Mumbai: BI Publications; 2008