World Kidney Day

World Kidney Day

11th March - World Kidney Day The World Kidney Day is a joint initiative of the International Society of Nephrology  (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF). The event is to raise awareness of the importance of good kidney health and of course to reduce the incidence and impact of kidney diseases In India we have the Indian Society of Nephrology, which does its bit. Their website gives Indian guidelines on Chronic Kidney Diseases and also a guideline on the use of  various vaccines for children and adults with CKD. We also have different Foundations in India tackling kidney…
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No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

10th March - No Smoking Day. Observed every year on the second Wednesday of March, this is a day of awareness of the harm caused to humans by smoking. For both -  health professionals and health consumers the risks posed by chronic smoking are not new. While it has many negative implications, it is known as an overwhelming contributor to cancer. We came across this interesting article (Prochazka, 1988) -  that discusses the role of a physician in helping patients quit smoking. It says that physicians traditionally focused on those patients who are already ill from smoking, rather than practicing…
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International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

8th March - International Women's Day The 8th of March is important for mankind all over the world. We celebrate women on this day, life-bringers, warriors, and care-givers. QMed celebrates women in all of their glory and hopes that the time will come when the medical profession will recognize them in their fullest potentials. This, in the interest of the profession and the people it serves selflessly. On April 4, 2020, The Catalyst brought out an article reporting that women counted for 70% of the global healthcare work-industry. They also reported that women health-workers face a disproportionate ratio of being…
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