Find out in which PMC articles you have been cited or acknowledged.

Find out in which PMC articles you have been cited or acknowledged.

PMC or PubMed Central has around 5.4 Million full text articles. Want to find out in how many you have been cited or acknowledged? Here are the steps:Go to the PMC website In the search box type your name followed by [Reference author] (See image below) In the results click any title. You have access to the full article. Scroll down to the references section to check for the the presence of your article Next type your name followed by [Acknowledgements] You need to search first name AND last name - See figure below Do note that we cannot…
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Do medical students (undergraduates) need to learn research?

Do medical students (undergraduates) need to learn research?

Knowledge, attitude, practice, and barriers toward research among medical students: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey. Pallamparthy S, Basavareddy A. Perspect Clin Res. 2019 Apr-Jun;10(2):73-78. doi: 10.4103/picr.PICR_1_18. ; PMID: 31008073; PMCID: PMC6463502. This is an article after my heart! The authors voice our sentiments, when they say that medical students should be trained in the methods of carrying out research as they will be future doctors who will have to practice evidence-based medicine in patient care. Evidence based practice means, that they must find scientific research which, with a systematic approach tell them which theories and hypotheses are proved or disapproved ,…
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Dr Avinash Supe helps validate my thoughts for QMed!

Dr Avinash Supe helps validate my thoughts for QMed!

In April, I had a great meeting with Dr Avinash Supe – one that lasted almost for an hour. I have known Dr Supe since around 1999/2000, and he has been a friend and well-wisher for years – something that I am very grateful for. When I met him in April, he helped me validate my thoughts, dreams for QMed, and more.   Here are my Questions and his Answers: VS: Could you frame the problem that QMed addresses, in your words? Dr Supe: In the medical and health sciences domain many people do not know how to search the literature and reference correctly and you…
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