Cancer Guidelines Database

Cancer Guidelines Database This database has approximately 1000 English language Cancer guidelines. Useful for clinicians, policy makers, and researchers, it has three types of records. These are based on the "Agree Score" (details about this score are available on the website). The first is high quality guidelines that have a score higher than 60%, the second is moderate quality guidelines that have a score of less than 60%, but still meet basic inclusion criteria, and the third - is a set of guidelines from other Canadian organizations that do not provide clear recommendations linked to evidence. These do not have an Agree…
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Inviting your inputs: for a more holistic approach to expand QMed’s work

Inviting your inputs: for a more holistic approach to expand QMed’s work

Holistic approach to education I recently happened to attend a “peer learning network session” where the participants were people from not-for-profit organizations worldwide. I attended this virtual session, not expecting much because I knew that the context of discussion would mainly be based on primary education. But to my surprise, the points discussed turned out to be very relevant in QMed's niche area too. How could QMed get more holistic in its approach?I started to think on how we could use all the learning, for our specialized area - teaching literature searching and reference management in health sciences institutions. I…
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