Everyone loves getting articles for free! Let us introduce a unique tool to find free articles
Unpaywall – https://unpaywall.org/ – is a database of more than 24 million legally free articles! Unpaywall harvests these articles from open access repositories (like PubMed Central) and from over 50000 journals.
However it is not a database that can be searched in itself. It has to be integrated in any other collection – example – a library’s collection or into a collection like PubMed
This is best used when you install the Chrome Browser Extension available at https://unpaywall.org/products/extension Once you install this, then when you browse any database that has integrated Unpaywall, on the right side of your screen you will see a symbol of a lock. If it is green, the article is free. If it is white, the article is not free

Go ahead – install the Chrome extension and try. You never know. Articles that you think are not free may actually be free!
And librarians and library committee members – please do see about integrating Unpaywall into your collections! You may do your users a lot of good!