Aggarwal S, Singh H, Bansal P, Goyal A, Saminder Singh K.
Training in clinical research in India.
Indian J Community Med. 2010 Jul;35(3):446.
This is a “Letter to the Editor” commenting on an earlier article in the same journal on Clinical Research Institutes and the lack of training in clinical research in the regular medical curriculum. The letter is written by four medical students (who would probably be voicing the views of the majority of the student community), who make an earnest plea for the introduction of a research based medical education curriculum. They mention the admission criteria for the PG degree courses in the US and UK, where importance is placed on research projects done by a student. The authors advocate a change and emphasize that such changes will bring large benefits to the health care systems and patients.
Appeared in QMedCONNECT Vol 3, Issue 10, Oct 2010