PubMed Health

PubMed Health

PubMed Health Launched very recently by the National Library of Medicine, USA, PubMed Health provides reviews of clinical effectiveness research, with easy-to-read summaries for consumers, as well as full technical reports. "Clinical effectiveness research" finds answers to the question “What works?” in medical and health care. You can find a medical encyclopedia, a consumer section, guidelines, executive summaries and more. The site is expected to grow quickly with content for health professionals and consumers. Appeared in Volume 4 Issue 09-10 of QMedConnect
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Introduction to Literature Searching

Introduction to Literature Searching

We have created a Free tutorial on this topic and it is available at This tutorial covers foundational concepts which anyone who searches the net for medical literature should be familiar with. We will soon be bringing out a basic tutorial on medical writing too. We have also created a detailed PubMed tutorial accessible "only to Friends of QMed". We will be creating more tutorials for other resources as well. Appeared in Volume 4 Issue 08 of QMedConnect
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The National Union Catalog of Scientific Serials in India

The National Union Catalog of Scientific Serials in India

The National Union Catalog of Scientific Serials in India - is a catalog of journals available in India's Science libraries. Created by NISCAIR, New Delhi, it allows us to search for the availability of a journal title in various libraries. One can search for the title and restrict it to a city of choice. Various other search options are available. This tool needs to be used extensively to find articles in libraries across the country and to enable resource sharing by libraries. Appeared in Volume 4 Issue 06-07  of QMedConnect
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